The increasing general awareness of atmospheric air pollution and t serious
impacts of pollutants and hazards to the health and well-being of industrial
workers has resulted in greater stress on accurate, reliable and frequent
assessment of work space pollution and workerexposure. The data so generated are
needed for corrective measures to safe guard the workers as per Factory act !948
and amendment in 1986-87.
Ecotech IAS 019 Handy Sampler uses a small worlds best imported light weight
battery operated pump to draw air through 37 mm dia filter and through suitable
absorption solution contained in two impinger fitted in series. Thus besides
particulates any two gaseous pollutants can be monitored simultaneously.
IAS 019 sampler uses wet chemicals method to sample gaseous toxicants the same
hardware can be used to sample a variety of pollutants including Oxides of
Sulphur and Nitrogen, Halogens, Ammonia, Sulphides ozone etc. The Particulate
sampling head provided with the system would be useful for monitoring
particulates like silica cement dust metal fumes, asbestos fiber etc. in work
area of cement plants, foundries mines and also in indoor air quality monitoring
To ensure complete absorption and reduce loss of absorbing solutions by
evaporation the impinger tubes of IAS 019 sampler are kept in an insulated
Rechargeable batteries have been used with sufficient storage to operate the
system for 8 hours making it easier to compare workers dose to the TLV levels
A separate charger is provided with IAS 019 to recharge the batteries overnight.
A digital timer has been incorporated in the IAS 019 to facilitate unattended