Measurement of Dioxin � Furans, PCB�s, PAH�s and SVOC�s in emission from all
those sources where medical hospital waste and hazardous waste are incinerated
in presence of fossil fuel are necessary. These are Persistant Toxic Air
Pollutants. Once these are emitted into atmosphere known to remain for decades.
Concentration of these pollutants are in PPB and PPT levels. Health Impacts of
these pollutants are irreversible. Sampling procedure for these pollutants has
been outlined in USEPA methods. Sampler outline and schematic diagram is shown
in Figure below from standard method.
ESS 109
Ecotech ESS 109 has developed for Dioxin & Furan sampling system where various
provisions of Stack Emission Monitoring are existing as per standard method
requirements. Particulates and gases can be collected simultaneously at
Isokinetic flow rate and Dioxin � Furans are sampled on XAD-2 resins kept in
series in sampling line.
In the kit besides standard sampling system provision for monitoring and control
of temp at 120oC + 5% using digital temperature controller is existing.
Condensate collection system before passing flue gas through XAD-2 is
incorporated in the kit. Dioxin & Furan are adsorbed on XAD resine which is
later extracted and analyzed along with collected condensate for Dioxin and
Furan using GCHRMS analytical system.
ESS 109 is portable easy to handle and can be transported up to stack platform.
Pump can be operated up to 7-8 hours duration for sample collection of dioxins &
furans ESS 109 probe and other system has push fit system can easily dismantled
for cleanup